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IMPORTANT: As of 15/05/2024 we have been experiencing slower website speeds and timeouts due to a high volume of applications. Please be patient with the system as it may take 10 to 20 seconds to load once you submit your application. If you are experiencing difficulties with submitting, please attempt your form submission from a different browser platform (chrome, safari, bing, etc.), different device, and/or clear your browser cache and try again. If the problem persists please contact CISaustralia at 0755717887.


PLEASE NOTE: CISaustralia programs are designed for students who are currently enrolled at an Australian University. Before proceeding with your student application, please check your eligibility with your Australian University. Please ensure you have reviewed the corresponding CISaustralia program webpages, including any program minimum or maximum enrolment requirements and application deadlines. If you are unsure of your eligibility or have any programming questions, please submit an enquiry or call CISaustralia prior to submitting your application. The $95 application fee is 100% non-refundable.

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